Meet Billy!

DragonFly Natural Power is pleased to announce the addition of *Billy J. to the team!

Some of you may remember meeting him at events, such as the Willits 4th of July parade and fair. You might even have had your picture taken with him! He rode a horse at the parade that day; posed on Seabiscuit's statue; met the mayor, and took on the infamous Black Bart Gang. I would tell you about the incident with the president's car in the parade, but since we advertise in the Nickel & Dime, and it's owner was part of the same incident, I think it might be better to leave it for now, though I can't promise that Billy will do the same in his new blog, coming next month.

What most people don't know about this fun-loving bunny, who can be found enjoying such activities as off-roading, fishing, and planting his carrot garden, is that he's an ace mechanic, and a shrewd business-bunny. We have spent some time courting him to become part of Team DNP, but had to wait until he finished out his annual gig, which is Easter egg design, and delivery. He's not leaving that job, as it's an important responsibility, so we will have to do without him for a couple of weeks a year, just before Easter. However, the other 50 weeks a year he's here to help make your experience with DragonFly Natural Power the best one possible.

One of his biggest jobs here will be promotions. Billy is in charge of the deals and giveaways that we offer to you, our valued customers. We have had a *small* problem with his generosity, though. It seems that the whole "Easter Bunny Mentality" has carried over into his civilian life, and we have had a difficult time making him understand that we can only give away so much. We think that this may turn out to be to your benefit while we work out the kinks, since he seems bound and determined to make our giveaways and deals memorable, so stay tuned, and see just how much you might be able to get, or win, just for doing what you always do....having your machines fixed, and kept safely running, by DragonFly Natural Power's highly qualified technicians.!

Be sure to come by the website here regularly to see what Billy's up to. He will be adding a seasonal blog to the site, along with photos of his latest adventures.

Thank you for coming in and meeting Billy!

Here's Billy hard at work calculating the deals that he can give to DNP customers!

And here he shows us that he really knows his stuff, when it comes to repair work!


*All writing of, by and about Billy J. & the rest of his bunny family, along with all images of them, are protected under various copyright laws, and may not be used without written permission from DragonFly Natural Power, his creator, and book publisher. Any use of the material on this website, or ads by our company, which do not satisfy all the foregoing conditions are forbidden in any form unless permission in each instance is given in writing by the copyright owner.